about us

Christa Healing

and wellness center

Who We Are

Christa Healing and Wellness Center is home to a collective of certified practitioners offering quality energetic, spiritual, and intuitive healing. These practitioners share their gifts with the community through sponsored events such as courses, galleries, and workshops.

The Center’s offerings include energetic and spiritual healing, spiritual guidance and coaching, mentorship, and educational experiences. Many of the courses offer certification.

With no employees and minimal overhead our vetted independent contractors contribute the vision of the Center.

Deb Mueller, the Center’s resident practitioner is joined by several guest practitioners (add a link to these words), event coordinators, and trainers.

The Center believes in harmonious pricing. Deb’s belief in the Green Bottle Pricing (add a link to these words) technique puts people before profits, ensuring fair pricing for all who seek. Many of the services provided by Deb use this methodology, several of her services and events are free.

Contact us for details on the Green Bottle Policy and Process.

Let us connect you with a healing specialist, available online or in-person, to meet your needs.

Healing the Whole

Our Mission, and Why WE Are Different, bring an exciting and new perspective to the local Alternative Health Care and Metaphysical Community.

Passion Led Us Here

Our Mission

Christa Healing and Wellness Center, Inc. is a socially conscious group of like-minded individuals that are dedicated to doing the right thing. It is our belief as light workers we are here to uplift and bring people together.

Unity and Compassion are our greatest assets and Christa Healing and Wellness Center’s mission is to provide healing services, spiritual and personal advancement education, assistance with community resource referrals for all who seek it but with special attention to those disadvantaged socially and economically.

Our energetic exchange is People before Profits, we maintain a money-mindset of non-profit / not for profit and that all who enter will participate fairly in The Green Bottle methodology allowing all practitioners to thrive.

Our heart-centered goal is to Heal one Soul at a Time. Every anointed one is provided services that are Spirit Infused, designed to lift the soul, heal the whole, and inspire you forward.

Deb’s Story


It all began a long, long time ago in a galaxy far, far away. Wait, wrong story, or is it? I am sure you have felt out of place, that you didn’t belong, and that you needed to dull your light because people thought you were odd. I have been the odd one out most of my life. I connect deeply one soul at a time, and that first soul was a dear girlfriend who pushed me into the world of metaphysics, and I never looked back. I never looked back, course after course, certification after certification, I ate it up, drank it up, and knew I was meant to teach, serve, and facilitate.

Then life happened, marriage (28 years in 2024 and still going strong), two beautiful sons, dogs, cats, chinchillas, slowed my pace but never my desire to be of service. During the ‘kids were little’ phase I continued my studies, met and studied with multiple mentors. The Book of Certifications is crazy thick, but I understand myself,

I am a lifelong learner. I love to read and always have multiple books in various stages of enjoyment. I am a creator and love to create beauty and healing through items I make and infuse with Spirit, courses I write and teach, and healings that I facilitate. It is all channeling Spirit.

But ‘ego’ always creeps in and plants those seeds of self-doubt, you question your worthiness, and think who would seek me out. I stumbled upon Human Design ® / Gene Keys ®, a modality called Soul Realignment ®, and archetype personalities and it really is written in the DNA and the stars. I was created to be of service, my freedom is to be of service, my flow is to be of service.

It all finally clicked in 2022, Covid was lifting its grip, and I knew the time was at hand, do it now or don’t do it. I took the leap of faith and here I am.

I am ready to be seen, ready to help, because it literally is my Human Design. I come from a space of love and authenticity. It has never been about me; it has always been about the community and to be of service.

The Center if for you, the community, it is the space that allows me to live my Human Design, my purpose, and through the services that are offered at the Center, help others find and live their purpose using these modalities and more. I look forward to meeting you and to be of service.

Oh, and before Star Wars Day became a thing, my husband and I were married on May 4th, 1996, so, May the Fourth / Force be with You!